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Frequently Asked Questions

What health insurances do you accept?

I do not accept health insurance.  My fee is $90 an hour. 

What is EMDR and how can it help me?

Eye movement desensitization reprocessing therapy is an evidence based therapy for treating trauma.  It uses eye movement to desensitize or remove the negative charge from traumatic memories and is one of the quickest ways to relieve the symptoms of trauma.  One way to think of it, is that we know people often look in a certain direction when they are recalling information.  This is one way of considering how eye movement and memory is linked.  We also use eye movement to install positive feelings during treatment.  It is a truly fascinating treatment modality and I only wish I had discovered sooner as a practitioner.  You can learn more at 

Are there other resources you recommend for people recovering from trauma?

Yes, there are two books I recommend quite frequently for people beginning treatment.  The first one is "The Boundaries Book" by Townsend and Cloud.  This book is an excellent resource for anyone recovering from childhood trauma, who grew up in a family with addiction, etc.  For people who experienced childhood trauma, especially in the family you grew up in, boundaries are a struggle.  That's because they were not modeled for you in a healthy way.  So likely, those inappropriate boundaries are now being repeated in romantic relationships, friendships, with coworkers and supervisors, and perhaps with your own children.  The boundaries book does a beautiful job of showing the reader what went wrong in one's family of origin and how to break the cycle for yourself and future generations.  I cannot say enough good things about this book.

The second book I often recommend is called 10% happier by Dan Harris.  He also has a podcast and meditation app by the same name.  I recommend this book for anyone who may be interested in learning more about using meditation for stress reduction, pain management and also to heal from trauma and addiction.  Mr. Harris does a beautiful job of explaining meditation and it's benefits in s simple and easy to understand way.

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